What Is Pulpotomy?

A pulpotomy may be a medical procedure during which the pulp of the tooth within the crown (the crown is the part of the tooth that’s visible) is removed and the pulp within the passage is left intact. It’s mainly performed on primary teeth and is employed to treat cavities that have extended to the pulp.


Save Your precious tooth.

If your child experiences pain while cold, hot, or sweet things touch their tooth or teeth, it means they need pulpitis. The main cause is tooth decay and sensitivity is the major symptom. The patient has to undergo a pulpotomy if he/she has tooth decay that has affected the crown.

preserve the tooth and pulp

Treating Irreversible Pulpitis

In the case of irreversible pulpitis, one has to undergo a pulpectomy or tooth extraction. Pulpotomy is done to preserve the tooth and pulp. Although the tooth will be replaced with a permanent one, it needs to have enough space to grow.

What Are Space Maintainers?

A space maintainer keeps enough space open so that the adult tooth can grow in with ease. Once the permanent tooth has fully expanded, the retainer can be removed.

Space Maintainers

Introduction To Space Maintainers

Space management means developing occlusion throughout the first and mixed dentition stages of development. By maintaining the existing arch space, the dentist will reduce the need for prospective treatment. In addition, fixed appliances are glued onto adjoining teeth. Fixed space maintainers are considered for children as they are less easy to break and misplace.

Types Of Space Maintainers

Types Of Space Maintainers

  • A removable space maintainer is made of chrome steel and/or plastic. They are cemented in the child's mouth and known as hard and fast space maintainers. It utilizes artificial teeth or acrylic blocks to fill the space that needs to remain open. These are best for older children who can follow the direction of their upkeep.
  • There are also many fixed space maintainers available, which are formed of chrome steel wire. It is held with the help of an orthodontic-type band around the tooth next to the open space. It maintains enough space for the adult tooth to return to the mouth without crowding.

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