Prevention From Tooth Decay

Getting regular dental assessments can save you and your family from any major dental issues. That is why we suggest that children start getting routine oral assessments as young as 6 months old.

Oral Examinations

Oral Examinations

With a general assessment, we can identify if the patient is suffering from any undiagnosed or undisclosed medical conditions, such as malignancies, endocrine conditions and signs indicating cerebral vascular risk or raised cardiovascular risk. This assessment can impact the patient's morality and treatment.

What Is a Dental Oral Examination?

Dentists use this process to assess your oral health. In general, oral exams involve the entire mouth, whether it is your first visit or a regular 6-month check-up. In addition to that, it helps to identify any kind of dental problem, such as pain, swelling, broken teeth, or others.

Steps Of An Oral Exam

Steps Of An Oral Examination

These are the main categories of oral examination:

  • Comprehensive Oral Evaluation: If the patient is visiting for the first time or it has been some time since the last visit, a comprehensive oral examination is required.
  • Regular (Periodic) Oral Evaluation: A regular oral evaluation is part of a 6-month dental checkup. If the patient has pain or other symptoms, then it might require an X-ray.

Dental X-rays

Dental X-rays play an essential role in the assessment of oral health. Here is a list of different types of X-rays.

Full Mouth Series
  • Full Mouth Series: Also known as full-set X-rays, capture the whole mouth and are used to determine an ingenious or baseline oral health and history. This can be an amalgamation of both "bitewing" and "periapical" x-rays.
  • Bitewing X-Rays: With a single view, it shows the upper and lower back teeth. This helps the dentist identify any decay, bone loss, gum disease, infection, or how they are lined up.
  • Periapical X-Rays: This x-ray shows the whole tooth and helps to find problems below the gum line or within the jaw, like abscesses, cysts, impacted teeth, tumors, and bone changes related to other diseases.
Periodic X-Rays
  • Periodic X-Rays: Also referred to as "recall" X-rays, this is a combination of bitewing and periapical X-rays. This is required when you visit for a regular check-up.
  • Limited or problem-focused X-rays: This is also a combination of bitewing and periapical X-rays and is used to treat any specific issue.
  • Panoramic X-Ray: A "pano" or "panoramic" x-ray is used for specific treatment and shows the whole mouth, including the jaws, nasal area, teeth, sinuses and temporomandibular (TMJ) joint. It might be required while diagnosing molar issues, implants, orthodontic consultations and oral surgery.

Simple tooth Cleanings

To control cavities and treat mild gum disease, most people need a dental cleaning. Whether it's moderate to severe gum disease, teeth cleaning can avoid serious infections and tooth loss.

Basic Dental Cleaning

What Should I Expect in a Basic Dental Cleaning?

The dentist will examine the teeth and gums and assess where plaque is most prevalent. The team will use different equipment to clean the teeth.

They use scalers to remove the stubborn layer of tartar or scrapers if there is a touch of plaque buildup. You might experience temporary discomfort or sensitivity.

Deep Dental Cleaning

What Should I Expect from a Deep Dental Cleaning?

Deep dental cleaning involves two important steps: scaling and root planing. In this process, scaling is extensive and goes under the surface of the gum line. They might use the regular scaling tool or ultrasonic or laser instruments.

In root planning, the plaque is removed thoroughly. The dentist will use an ultrasonic device to remove the plaque before manually removing it with a tool called a curette.


These are restorative materials used to apply to the chewing surfaces of back teeth (Molars and Premolars) in children and young patients.

Dental Sealants

Who Should Opt For Dental Sealants?

If you are likely to get tooth decay due to deep pits and fissures on the occlusal surfaces of your teeth, you should get sealants. Studies have shown that patients who have applied sealants to their teeth show 50-80% less incidence of dental caries.

1. How Will I Know That My Kids Need Dental Sealants?
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Dental sealants help to seal pits and fissures on the occlusal surfaces of teeth. if your kid has any fissures or pits you should get them sealed with sealants to avoid any cavities.

2. What Are the Perks Of Dental Sealants?
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Dental sealants have many benefits:

  • They have fluoride, which prevents tooth decay.
  • They seal the fissures and pits that prevent cavities.
3. Are Dental Sealants Painful?
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They are not at all painful, so there is no need for local anesthetics or tooth drilling.

4. Is It Ok If My Kids Do Not Acquire Dental Sealants?
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Kids are likely to get cavities and if they don't get sealants, they are prone to getting dental caries.

5. Are Dental Sealants Safe For My Kids As They Contain BPA?
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This far, we haven't seen any kid facing any health hazards due to dental sealants.

6. Are Dental Sealants Pricey?
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Compared to white fillings, dental sealants are much more inexpensive. Getting dental sealants can prevent further expenses by delaying the development of cavities.

What is Fluoride Varnish?

Fluoride Varnish helps to prevent, slow down and stop the decay process in the cavity. It is made of fluoride, which helps strengthen the tooth enamel. Although it will not completely prevent cavities, using toothpaste with fluoride, flossing regularly and eating a healthy diet can prevent tooth decay.

Fluoride Varnish

How Is Fluoride Varnish Applied to The Teeth?

Fluoride varnish is applied with a small brush to the sides of every tooth. It has a sticky texture, but it becomes hard when it comes in contact with saliva. Your child might feel it but won't be able to lick it off.

Putting varnish on doesn't hurt at all, but children are likely to cry during the procedure. It is a good thing, as their mouth will be slightly open and it would be easy to apply.The procedure would take a couple of minutes.

How Can I Help My Family's Teeth After Fluoride Varnish Treatment?

Here are a few guidelines that you have to follow to look after your child's teeth:

  • They can eat and drink right after the procedure.
  • Make sure to give them soft and cold foods and liquids.
  • Do not brush or floss your teeth for at least four to six hours.
  • Ask your child to spit after rinsing.
Fluoride Varnish Treatment

How Can I Help My Family's Teeth After Fluoride Varnish Treatment?

Here are a few guidelines which you have to follow to look after your child's teeth.

  • They can eat and drink right after the procedure.
  • Make sure to give them soft and cold foods and liquids.
  • Do not brush or floss your teeth for at least 4 to six hours.
  • Ask your child to spit after rinsing.

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